Early days As with any other publication, Eenadu too had its share of struggles. When launched in Visakhapatnam , it wasn't able to sell more than 3,000 copies a week. Eenadu found itself struggling to become a daily publication ranked amongst other popular rival publications.
By 1975, Eenadu managed to achieve its target of becoming a daily publication. However, it was popular in regions and rivalry was still an issue. In a period where the company needed vision to drive and expand it any further. Eenadu hired a new set of directors to be part of its key decision and management group which drove it towards what it is today being the top read, highly circulated newspaper.
Eenadu Circulation in Lakhs.
- 1,00,000 - May 01, 1978
- 2,00,000 - August 1979
- 3,00,000 - November 1982
- 4,00,000 - July 28, 1983
- 5,00,000 - August 01, 1994
- 6,00,000 - November 01, 1996
- 7,00,000 - December 18, 1998
- 9,00,000 - July 01, 2002